Paul Davis Restoration of the Space Coast

Full Service Water, Fire & Mold Cleanup + Restoration Specialists
Proudly Serving The Space Coast clear

Back to School Safety Precautions from Paul Davis

August is the time to fit in last-minute vacations, get excited about football season, and prepare your kids to start school again. Here are a few safety tips to follow as you dive back into the world of yellow buses, class bells, and homework assignments.

Slow in School Zone

Slow in School Zone

School Zones are for Kids

  • Follow the speed limit while in a school zone.
  • Obey crossing guards.
  • No matter which direction you are traveling, brake for buses and be cautious of children.
  • Watch out for children, especially near schools and parks.
  • Never pass other cars, change lanes, or make U-turns in a school zone.
  • Use a hands-free device if you need to make any calls.
  • Never text and drive.
  • Unless licensed, do not use handicap spaces or lanes.

Walking to School

  • Look both ways before crossing the street and only use designated crosswalks.
  • Obey traffic signs, signals, and markings.
  • Pick the safest route between your home and the school and practice walking it with your children.
  • Teach your children to:
  1. always walk to school with other students.
  2. never accept a ride from someone else, even if they know them, without your permission.
  3. report any incidents to a teacher immediately.

Teen Driving

  • Teen driving statistics are astounding!
  • “Half of all teens will be involved in a car accident before their high school graduation.” –
  • “Car crashes are the number one cause of death for U.S. teens – more than than disease, homicide, and suicide combined.” –
  • Teach your teens the basics of being a good driver. Use the resources below:

Being aware of these safety tips will help you and your children stay protected during the busy back-to-school season.

-From your friends at Paul Davis
Recover. Reconstruct. Restore.

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Melbourne, FL 32934

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